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Office of Communications Results

684 results match your filter criteria.

Looking and Listening: A Seafloor Mapping Expedition

Scientists with NOAA’s National Ocean Service recently completed an 11-day mission to map undersea habitats in the Caribbean, including coral habitats used by valuable species of reef fish.
April 14, 2014 - Feature Story ,

To Manage Fish Populations, Scientists Study An Entire Ecosystem

Scientists seek to understand how physical and biological forces combine to drive fish productivity in the Gulf of Alaska.
April 09, 2014 - Feature Story ,

How to Disentangle a Whale

Every year, dozens of whales become entangled in fishing gear off the U.S. Atlantic coast. The Atlantic Large Whale Disentanglement Network works to save them.
March 29, 2014 - Podcast ,
Entangled whale as viewed underwater, gear appears to be wrapped around tail.

How Oil Affects Fish Populations: 25 Years of Research Since Exxon Valdez

When Exxon Valdez ran aground 25 years ago, spilling 11 million gallons of crude oil into Prince William Sound, the results were plainly visible on the nightly news: fouled beaches, oiled carcasses, and closed fisheries. Responders worked to
March 24, 2014 - Feature Story ,

Secret Route of Sea Turtles Revealed for First Time

Scientists recently mapped the migration routes of baby loggerhead sea turtles for the first time. It took four scientists and one manicurist to make this breakthrough possible.
March 11, 2014 - Feature Story ,

A Changing Climate in Fisheries Management

How will we manage fish populations as the climate changes? NOAA Fisheries biologist John Manderson is working on one small piece of the puzzle.
February 13, 2014 - Podcast ,
Temperature map of the ocean in the Northeast Atlantic

Killer Whales in Distress

Scientists are working to understand why the population of Southern Resident killer whales isn’t rebounding, and what we can do to help them recover.
December 23, 2013 - Podcast ,
A Southern Resident killer whale leaps into the air. Credit: NOAA

Feeds of the Future

To ensure a sustainable future for aquaculture, scientists are developing alternative aquaculture feeds that use few or no ingredients from wild caught fish.
November 04, 2013 - Podcast ,

The Giant Oarfish

A NOAA biologist who necropsied this strange and mysterious fish shares his theory of how two of them ended up on the beach.
October 24, 2013 - Podcast ,

Behind the Scenes: A NOAA Fisheries Research Expedition

Sustainable seafood starts with sound science.
October 18, 2013 - Feature Story ,