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684 results match your filter criteria.

More About Fish Stock Assessment Models

We gave you an overview of stock assessment models, but now let's take a closer look at how models work. First, what is a model? A mathematical fish stock assessment model represents the demographics of a harvested fish stock and produces estimates of rel
October 10, 2012 - Feature Story ,

Fish Stock Assessment 101: Part 2—A Closer Look at Stock Assessment Models

Catch, abundance, and biology data feed into mathematical models that represent the factors causing changes in harvested fish stocks.
October 10, 2012 - Feature Story ,

Fish Stock Assessment 101 Series: Part 1—Data Required for Assessing U.S. Fish Stocks

A biological fish stock is a group of fish of the same species that live in the same geographic area and mix enough to breed with each other when mature.
May 23, 2012 - Feature Story ,

A Day in the Life of an Observer

Fisheries observers, like fishermen, work hard at a job they believe in—making sure the nation’s seafood supply is sustainable.
February 21, 2012 - Feature Story ,
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