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2833 resources match your filter criteria.

Winter Sets The Ocean’s Clocks

Field Fresh Blog: Science in Motion

Research fishery biologist Katey Marancik shares how the data she and others collected during the winter 2024 Ecosystem Monitoring Survey are an important starting point for understanding the ocean’s clock for the year.
April 10, 2024 - Research ,
A large piece of ocean water sampling gear sits on the side deck of a research vessel while at sea. The ocean is choppy and the sunrise is peeking through the clouds. A choppy morning during the winter 2024 Ecosystem Monitoring Survey. Credit: NOAA Fisheries/Katey Marancik

Life Aboard the Oregon II

An Inside Look at the 2023 Fall Groundfish Survey

Explore the unique challenges and camaraderie of life at sea on research expeditions.
April 09, 2024 - Survey ,
A series of polaroid pictures. Pictured left to right: a whiteboard with station numbers written on it, two volunteers counting fish species, the sunrise on the back of the research vessel, a volunteer taking the length measurement of a fish, a volunteer using a boat hook to pull up a line, and two volunteers in personal protective equipment

On the Probable Distribution of Stock-Recruitment Resilience of Pacific Saury (Cololabis saira) in the Northwest Pacific Ocean

Our numerical simulation approach provides an analytical tool for calculating the steepness distribution in other pelagic fish influenced by increases in sea surface temperature due to global warming.
April 02, 2024 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,

Groundfish Exclusion Areas

Groundfish Exclusion Areas (GEAs) are eight areas south of Point Conception, California intended to protect sensitive areas. These areas were reviewed and adopted by the Pacific Fishery Management Council in March 2023 under Alternative 3.
April 01, 2024 - Map ,
Map of Groundfish Exclusion Areas, California

Publications by Northeast Passive Acoustics Branch Staff

We regularly publish their findings in scientific journals and Center-produced documents.
April 01, 2024 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,

Burgers for Breakfast in the Northwest Atlantic

Field Fresh Blog: Science in Motion

Kathryn Ford shares her routine on the day watch of the spring bottom trawl survey, as well as her favorite fish species to catch.
March 29, 2024 - Survey ,
The back deck of the NOAA ship Henry Bigelow with a large green net and winch and the ocean in the background.

The Birds Are Back in Town

Field Fresh Blog: Science in Motion

Research fishery biologist Katey Marancik participated in the winter 2024 Ecosystem Monitoring Survey and was treated to sea bird species she normally doesn’t see during the spring or fall surveys. Puffins and loons and scoters—oh, my!
March 27, 2024 - Survey ,
A small black and white bird with a bright orange beak swims on the ocean’s surface.

From Survey to Stock Assessments—How Data Are Used

Field Fresh Blog: Science in Motion

Fish biologist Jessica Blaylock walks us through what kinds of data she and other survey scientists collect during the Bottom Trawl Survey and how that data is used in stock assessments.
March 25, 2024 - Survey ,
A large trawl net full of fish is being emptied into a metal box on the back deck of a research vessel at sea. In the background are two scientists wearing hard hats, foul weather gear, and life vests on the back deck.

Modeling Tools To Help Assess the Distribution of Priority Reef Fish Species for Jurisdictional Coral Reef Fishery Management Plans in Guam

To assess the distribution of priority reef fish species around Guam, we analyzed five years of fish survey data from the National Coral Reef Monitoring Program (2009–2022) using various spatial modeling techniques.
March 19, 2024 - Tool/App ,