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Dive In with NOAA Fisheries Results

49 results match your filter criteria.

Documenting the Elusive North Pacific Right Whale

North Atlantic right whales get a lot of attention. In this episode, we learn a little about their lesser known West Coast cousins: North Pacific right whales, whose numbers are dramatically low.
January 11, 2024 - Podcast ,
north-pacific-right-whale.jpg North Pacific right whale. Credit: Brenda K. Rone

Winter News Roundup

A roundup of recent headlines from around the agency—hear about endangered species, climate change, habitat restoration, Antarctic research, and more.
December 19, 2023 - Podcast ,
Tail of one north Pacific right whale shown as it dives next to second whale with head above water. Two North Pacific right whales in Barnabas Trough, just south of Kodiak Island, Alaska.

Oceanic Whitetip Sharks: A Plan for Recovery

Oceanic whitetip sharks, once abundant across the globe, are now listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. However, a forthcoming recovery plan is designed to help bring this species back from the brink.
An oceanic whitetip shark swims in the middle of the ocean. An oceanic whitetip shark swims near the surface of the water. Photo courtesy of John Carlson.

NOAA VetCorps: Creating Jobs for Veterans

Supporting veterans is imperative to our agency. NOAA VetCorps gives veterans the training and tools to pursue careers in habitat conservation and restoration.
November 09, 2023 - Podcast ,
A person in waders in the water checking crab traps. Veteran intern Antonio Jones at an oyster farm in Drayton Harbor, Washington, checking traps for European Invasive Green Crab. Credit: Northwest Straits Commission

Climate Readiness: the Future of U.S. Fisheries

Supporting healthy, sustainable seafood and a robust seafood industry is a major priority for NOAA Fisheries. Hear from NOAA Fisheries leadership and members of the seafood community about climate readiness and plans for responding to a changing climate.
October 19, 2023 - Podcast ,
Monitoring work at Salty Lady Seafood farm. Credit: NOAA Fisheries. Monitoring work at Salty Lady Seafood farm. Credit: NOAA Fisheries.

From Collapse to Sustainability: West Coast Groundfish Are Back

Learn about the decades-long effort to get West Coast groundfish back on our plates.
October 12, 2023 - Podcast ,
Petrale sole placed on a wooden counter next to a kitchen knife and fruit and floral garnish A Petrale sole flatfish. Photo courtesy of Positively Groundfish.

Seaweed: The Miracle Macroalgae with Major Economic and Environmental Value

Discover the versatility of seaweed and the contributions of seaweed farming—or seaweed aquaculture—to working waterfronts and environmental sustainability.
September 27, 2023 - Podcast ,
Two aquaculture workers pull a line of kelp out of the water and into their boat, on Seagrove Kelp Co's farm site. Buoy markers are present on the water's surface. Sustainably grown, organic Alaskan kelp is harvested at the Seagrove Kelp Co. farm in Doyle Bay. Credit: NOAA Fisheries/Jordan Hollarsmith

Combating Labor Abuse in the Seafood Sector

A new initiative brings together public and private partners to address labor abuses in the seafood sector.
August 24, 2023 - Podcast ,
Commercial fishing in the Valdez, Alaska harbor. Commercial fishing in the Valdez, Alaska harbor.