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West Coast Results

2854 results match your filter criteria.

Designation of Southern Resident Killer Whales as a Depleted Stock Under MMPA

Following a review of the status of the eastern North Pacific Southern Resident stock of killer whales (Orcinus orca), NOAA Fisheries has determined that the stock is below its Optimal Sustainable Population (OSP) and, therefore, is depleted as defined…

Notice of Receipt of a Petition from Oceana Seeking a Regulatory Program for Fisheries Observer Coverage of Bycatch

NOAA announces its decision on a petition for rulemaking under the Administrative Procedure Act. Oceana, a non-governmental organization, petitioned the U.S. Department of Commerce to promulgate immediately a rule to establish a program to count, cap,…

2002 Status Review of Southern Resident Killer Whales (Orcinus orca) Under the Endangered Species Act

NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-NWFSC-54
December 01, 2002 - ESA Status Review ,

U.S. Pacific Marine Mammal Stock Assessments - 2002

Published Date: 2002
December 01, 2002 - Other Reports ,

Status Review for North American Green Sturgeon (Acipenser medirostris)

The green sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris, is the most widely distributed member of the sturgeon family Acipenseridae. Like all sturgeons, green sturgeon are anadromous, but are also the most marine oriented of the sturgeons.
June 01, 2002 - ESA Status Review ,

City of Tacoma Green River Water Supply Habitat Conservation Plan

The City of Tacoma Public Utilities Departments completed an HCP for its operations at Howard Hansen Dam on the Green River in Washington State, in July 2001.
July 09, 2001 - Document ,

ESA Listing of White Abalone

Following completion of a comprehensive status review of the white abalone (Haliotis sorenseni) and a review of factors affecting the species, NOAA Fisheries published a proposed rule to list the white abalone as an endangered species on May 5, 2000…

Critical Habitat for White Abalone

Following completion of a comprehensive status review of the white abalone (Haliotis sorenseni) and a review of factors affecting the species, NOAA Fisheries published a proposed rule to list the white abalone as an endangered species on May 5, 2000…

Effects of the Pacific Coast Salmon Plan and U.S. Fraser Panel Fisheries on Upper Willamette River Chinook, Lower Columbia River Chinook, and Lower Columbia River Chum

Biological Opinion and Incidental Take Statement Endangered Species Act - Reinitiated Section 7 Consultation
April 30, 2001 - Biological Opinion ,

Weyerhaueser I-90 Cascades Habitat Conservation Plan

This multi-species HCP provides watershed-scale management of fish and wildlife habitat across a 150,000-acre area of industrial timberlands for 50 years in Washington's central Cascade Mountains.
March 29, 2001 - Document ,