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Endangered Species Recovery Results

141 results match your filter criteria.

Upper Willamette River Conservation and Recovery Plan for Chinook Salmon and Steelhead

The goal of ESA recovery under this plan is to improve the viability of these salmon and steelhead, and the ecosystems upon which they depend, to the point that they no longer require ESA protection.
August 05, 2011 - Recovery Plan ,

Columbia River Estuary ESA Recovery Plan Module for Salmon and Steelhead

This estuary recovery plan module is one element of a larger regional planning effort to develop recovery plans for Endangered Species Act-listed salmon and steelhead trout in the Columbia River basin. Recovery plans are being developed for each of the 13
January 01, 2011 - Recovery Plan ,

Recovery Plan for the Sperm Whale (Physeter macrocephalus)

The goal of this Recovery Plan is to promote recovery of sperm whales to a point at which they can be downlisted from endangered to threatened status, and ultimately to remove them from the list of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants, under the provisions of the ESA.
December 21, 2010 - Recovery Plan ,

Final Recovery Plan for the Fin Whale (Balaenoptera Physalus)

The goal of this recovery plan is to promote the recovery of fin whales to the point at which they can be downlisted from endangered to threatened status, and ultimately to remove them from the list of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants, under
July 30, 2010 - Recovery Plan ,

Endangered Species Act Biennial Report to Congress (Oct 2008-Sept 2010)

Published Date: 2010
July 01, 2010 - Report to Congress ,

Recovery Plan for Middle Columbia River Steelhead Distinct Population Segment

The goal of ESA recovery under this plan is to improve the viability of these steelhead, and the ecosystems upon which they depend, to the point that they no longer require ESA protection.
November 30, 2009 - Recovery Plan ,

Recovery Plan for Lake Ozette Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus Nerka)

This is a Recovery Plan for the protection and restoration of Lake Ozette sockeye salmon. Lake Ozette sockeye were listed as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) in 1999. The ESA requires the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)
May 04, 2009 - Recovery Plan ,

Recovery Plan for Smalltooth Sawfish (Pristis pectinata)

The goal of the recovery plan is to rebuild and assure the long-term viability of the U.S. DPS of smalltooth sawfish in the wild, allowing initially for reclassification from endangered to threatened status.
January 01, 2009 - Recovery Plan ,

Recovery Plan for the Northwest Atlantic Population of the Loggerhead Sea Turtle (Caretta caretta)

2008 Recovery plan for the northwest Atlantic population of the Loggerhead sea turtle
December 08, 2008 - Recovery Plan ,

Recovery Plan for White Abalone (Haliotis sorenseni)

The primary goal of this recovery plan is to ensure the recovery of the white abalone population throughout its range, defined as the establishment of self-sustaining populations.
October 10, 2008 - Recovery Plan ,