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Electronic Reporting Results

52 results match your filter criteria.

Federal American Lobster Conservation Management Measures for Areas 2 and 3, and Coastwide Harvester Reporting Requirements

NOAA Fisheries has approved federal measures for the lobster fishery that complement the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s Interstate Fishery Management Plan for American Lobster.
September 29, 2023 -

Transitioning the Groundfish Federal Non-Trawl Logbook to Full Electronic Usage

New requirement for Pacific Coast non-trawl groundfish fishery to allow logbook electronic submission
September 09, 2023 -

Amendments to West Coast Groundfish Electronic Monitoring Program

This rule revises regulations that apply to Pacific Coast Groundfish Trawl Rationalization Program participants and electronic monitoring (EM) service providers that participate in the EM program. The regulatory changes modify deadlines that have been…

Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: Electronic Reporting Requirements for Atlantic Highly Migratory Species

NOAA Fisheries announces the comment period on an advance notice of proposed rulemaking to modify or expand reporting requirements for Atlantic Highly Migratory Species (HMS). Topics for Consideration Under the advance notice of proposed…

How to Complete a Commercial eVTR for IFQ Clams Using Fish Online eVTR Web App

Operators of federally permitted vessels must submit a vessel trip report (VTR) for each fishing trip. VTRs are important because they provide data that informs fishery science and management decisions. These are tips to complete VTRs electronically.

Measures for the Federal American Lobster Fishery

At the recommendation of the Atlantic State Marine Fisheries Commission, we are implementing new measures for the federal American lobster fishery. Measures include: Mandatory harvester electronic Vessel Trip Reporting (eVTR), including five…

Recordkeeping and Reporting in Alaska - Federal Register Rules and Notices

NOAA Fisheries issues a rule to modify recordkeeping and reporting requirements to remove pot gear tag requirements in the sablefish Individual Fishing Quota fishery in the Gulf of Alaska and remove requirements to obtain and submit a notary…

NOAA Fisheries Moves From Paper to Electronic Reporting

New requirements for the Greater Atlantic region will improve efficiency and timeliness.
October 04, 2021 - Feature Story ,
Fishermen with tablet Fisherman with tablet for electronic monitoring. Credit: NOAA Fisheries

Frequent Questions: Electronic Vessel Trip Reporting

A series of questions and answers that will help make the transition to electronic Vessel Trip Reporting easier in the Greater Atlantic Region.

How to Use Electronic Vessel Trip Reporting Apps

| See schedule

A series of instructional webinars for vessel operators to help with the transition to eVTR.
