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Critical Habitat Results

97 results match your filter criteria.

Draft RIR/4(b)(2) Preparatory Assessment/IRFA of Critical Habitat Designation for the Arctic Ringed Seal (2014)

This document is the Regulatory Impact Review on the designation of critical habitat for Arctic ringed seals in waters of the northern Bering Sea, Chukchi Sea, and the Beaufort Sea. Project Number: 44195001.00.
September 19, 2014 - Analyses (non-NEPA) ,

Biological Opinion on the Marine Terminal Redevelopment Project at the Port of Anchorage

Biological opinion on the proposed Port of Anchorage expansion project and its effects on the critical habitat of the Cook Inlet beluga whale.
August 24, 2011 - Biological Opinion ,

Critical Habitat for the Cook Inlet Beluga Whale

Final rule to designate critical habitat for the Cook Inlet beluga whale distinct population segment under the Endangered Species Act. Two areas are designated, comprising 7,800 square kilometers (3,013 square miles) of marine habitat. Effective May 11,…

Beluga Whale – Cook Inlet DPS Critical Habitat Map and GIS Data

Cook Inlet beluga whale critical habitat map and associated data files.
April 11, 2011 - Map ,

Final RIR/4(b)(2) Preparatory Assessment/FRFA for the Critical Habitat Designation of Cook Inlet Beluga Whale

Evaluation of the economic, socioeconomic, and other costs and benefits of designating critical habitat for the Cook Inlet beluga whale.
August 11, 2010 - Other Reports ,

Biological Opinion on the Issuance of Permit No. 14097 for Research on Pinnipeds, Cetaceans, and Sea Turtles, in the Pacific, Southern, Arctic, and Indian Oceans

NOAA Fisheries' biological opinion of the effects of the proposed research of pinnipeds, cetaceans, and sea turtles in the Pacific, Southern, Arctic, and Indian Oceans.
July 01, 2010 - Biological Opinion ,

NOAA Designates Critical Habitat for Southern Population of North American Green Sturgeon

For information contact: Jim Milbury 562-980-4006.
October 09, 2009 - Media Release ,

Atlantic Salmon Gulf of Maine DPS Critical Habitat Map and GIS Data

Critical habitat is habitat needed to support recovery of listed species. When a species is listed under the Endangered Species Act, NOAA Fisheries is required to determine whether there are areas that meet the definition of critical habitat.
June 19, 2009 - Map ,

North Pacific Right Whale Critical Habitat Map and GIS Data

North pacific right whale critical habitat map and associated data files.
April 08, 2008 - Map ,

Impacts Of Northern Right Whale Critical Habitat Designation In The North Pacific Ocean

The proposed action being addressed in this Regulatory Impact Review (RIR) and Regulatory Flexibility Act Analysis (RFAA) is the designation of critical habitat in waters of the North Pacific Ocean for the northern right whale...
November 27, 2007 - Other Reports ,