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Science Blogs

632 resources match your filter criteria.

A Food Blog For Planktivores

Field Fresh Blog: Science in Motion

Research fishery biologist Katey Marancik participated in the winter 2024 Ecosystem Monitoring Survey sampling plankton. While eating in NOAA Ship Henry B. Bigelow’s galley, she wondered, “What would a planktivore food blog look like?” So she created one.
March 14, 2024 - Research ,
Three people face the camera at a dinner table with a NOAA logo table cloth. Each person has a plate of food in front of them on the table and a smile on their face.

Welcome Back, Winter EcoMon

Field Fresh Blog: Science in Motion

Winter survey season is not for the faint of heart! Research fishery biologist Katey Marancik participated in the winter 2024 Ecosystem Monitoring Survey (EcoMon) and shares the literal ups and downs of trying to get to the survey vessel and out to sea.
March 13, 2024 - Research ,
A person wearing a winter jacket, knit hat and a life jacket stands on the side of a boat taking a photo of another boat with their cell phone.

The Importance of Conducting Groundfish Surveys

An Inside Look at the 2023 Fall Groundfish Survey

Biological and environmental data collected from the summer and fall groundfish surveys provide critical information to stock assessors and researchers.
March 04, 2024 - Survey ,
A white research vessel with a large crane arm hanging over the side and numerous orange baskets on deck sits in the water, moored on a concrete dock The Oregon II is used for fisheries, plankton, and marine mammal surveys within the Gulf of Mexico, Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea. Credit: NOAA Fisheries/Hannah Shahmoradi

Fall Bottom Longline Survey Chronicles

Field Fresh Blog: Science in Motion

Giovanni Gianesin reflects on changing seasons, overcoming challenges, and catching a Saildrone in action during the Fall Bottom Longline Survey. The cruise marks a decade of cooperative research.
February 21, 2024 - Survey ,
Two people stand on the back of a boat next to each other posing for the camera. Each is holding a similarly sized flatfish Although we regularly encounter halibut on the Bottom Longline Survey, it is rare to catch two so close in size on the same effort. NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center scientific staff Ben Church and Giovanni Gianesin pose with such a pair. Credit: NOAA Fisheries/Giovanni Gianesin

From Analyzing Data To Collecting It: Gaining Perspective as a Visiting Scientist

Michaela Kratofil, an Oregon State University Ph.D. student, was invited to be a visiting scientist in 2023. She shares her experience from the high seas collecting the field data that will ultimately go into her dissertation research.
February 16, 2024 - Survey ,
Micahela sits on a chair aboard a ship under a blue tent while two people observe the ocean on each side of her. Michaela Kratofil (center) on the flying bridge with visual observers. Credit: NOAA Fisheries

Continuing to Follow Fenway: Her Southern Journey and New Calf

Field Fresh Blog: Science in Motion

Research fish biologist Heather Foley and others at our science center use drones to document and monitor endangered North Atlantic right whales in their calving grounds. This winter, they spotted Fenway and her new calf after her long trip from Canada.
February 14, 2024 - Survey ,
A North Atlantic right whale and her calf swim at the surface of the ocean. The perspective is from above and the water is calm.

Observing—Not Your Typical Job

Most people don’t commute 2.5 hours to meet a commercial fishing vessel in the middle of the night. They also don’t get to experience the amazing things at-sea monitor Kathleen Mager has. Read about one observer’s perfectly unconventional workday.
February 07, 2024 - Fisheries Observer ,
A blue-gloved hand holds a brown-spotted flatfish up so that it’s backlit by the sun. In the background is a calm ocean, fishing vessel lines, and a gull flying in a blue sky with a few clouds.

Daydreaming Of Parasites On The Bottom Trawl Survey

Field Fresh Blog: Science in Motion

Fishery biologist Dana Morton welcomes us to the weird and fascinating world of parasites and the stories they can tell us about the fish they infect.
February 05, 2024 - Survey ,
 Female scientist wearing orange jacket and black hat enters data on a computer screen while another scientist measures a fish. Scientists working up the catch at a sampling station. Credit: NOAA Fisheries/Catherine Foley

Collaboration with Canada Strengthens Ocean Acidification Science

Field Fresh Blog: Science in Motion

NOAA Fisheries continues to foster collaboration with Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Postdoctoral researcher Sam Gurr recently went on an international exchange to advance research on the effects of ocean acidification on shellfish.
January 30, 2024 - Research ,
Female scientist standing to the left of a table containing fiberglass chambers with individual scallops. Male scientist standing to the right of the table. Both are pipetting to collect samples. A laboratory and whiteboard are in the background.

What We Read While At Sea

Field Fresh Blog: Science in Motion

Data quality specialist Liz Ouellette shares the top 12 books our Bottom Trawl Survey scientists read during the fall 2023 survey. From science and sci-fi, to linguistics and church history, there’s something for everyone!
January 25, 2024 - Survey ,
Old books on a bookshelf.