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309 items match your filter criteria.

Endangered Steller Sea Lions Continue To Decline In 2016 In The Western Aleutians

Troubling declines persist but scientists gain new information with each survey.
December 06, 2016 - Feature Story ,

Ocean Noise: Can You Hear Me Now?

NOAA Fisheries scientists are at the forefront of bioacoustics research. Now, the recently released Ocean Noise Strategy Roadmap will ensure their work is supported for years to come.
December 01, 2016 - Feature Story ,

Scientists Are On The Ground This Month In The Pribilof Islands To Recover Groundbreaking Fur Seal Data

Since July, satellite tags have been collecting data about fur seal foraging behavior while autonomous Saildrones collect data on fur seal prey. Now it’s time to recover that data—and that requires a down to earth approach.
September 19, 2016 - Feature Story ,

Long-Term Surveys Show Endangered Beluga Population Inhabiting Just a Portion of Historic Seasonal Range in Alaska’s Cook Inlet

The Cook Inlet Beluga whale is a NOAA Fisheries “Species in the Spotlight.” Listed as endangered under the U.S. Endangered Species Act, this population of beluga whale may be at risk of extinction. An agency-wide effort is underway to protect it along with seven other high-risk species. July is Habitat Month. In this feature, we highlight ongoing research that helps us identify key areas where belugas live.
July 13, 2016 - Feature Story ,
Group of beluga whales swimming in the ocean

The Road to Restoration for Sea Turtles

Part 1: Sea Turtles Harmed by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Sea turtles are irreplaceable. They serve unique ecological roles and are highly valued by the public. They are also vulnerable to threats caused by human activities. The five sea turtle
June 13, 2016 - Feature Story ,

A Missing Ingredient in the Recipe for Healthy Ecosystems

NOAA Fisheries social scientists stress the importance of human dimensions in environmental management.
June 09, 2016 - Feature Story ,
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NOAA and Partners Chart New Territory for Ocean Science

Deploying autonomous sailing vessels with customized acoustic technologies to study whales, fish and seals in remote parts of the ocean.
June 03, 2016 - Feature Story ,
Sail drone in water with mountains in background.

Bilateral Effort Underway To Assess Populations Of Arctic Seals And Polar Bears

Scientists are using infrared cameras to detect warm-bodied animals, to locate and identify seals and polar bears on sea ice in the high Arctic.
April 28, 2016 - Feature Story ,

New Web Tools To Examine What Fish Are Eating And Track Marine Ecosystem Trends

Most comprehensive database of Alaska predator diets; First ecosystem report card for Gulf of Alaska.
March 28, 2016 - Feature Story ,
Examining the inside of a fish's mouth.jpg

New Studies Raise Questions About Crabs Adaptability

New studies on the effects of ocean acidification due to rising atmospheric carbon dioxide levels.
March 01, 2016 - Feature Story ,
Scientist in orange coat holding a large crab