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292 items match your filter criteria.

When Estimating Fish Populations, Seeing is Believing

Adding video cameras to fish traps allows scientists to get more precise abundance estimates for several important species of reef fish.
January 28, 2015 - Podcast ,

Sea Turtles Rescued from the Cold

A record number of sea turtles have stranded after being cold-stunned this fall. The Sea Turtle Stranding Network is bringing them in from the cold.
December 23, 2014 - Podcast ,

An End to Overfishing

An interview with Sam Rauch, Deputy Assistant Administrator for Regulatory Programs at NOAA Fisheries.
October 14, 2014 - Podcast ,

White Shark Recovery

New research reveals that Atlantic white sharks, which were hunted indiscriminately for almost two decades following the release of the movie Jaws, have slowly been making a comeback.
September 07, 2014 - Podcast ,
White shark, dark on top, white below, mouth open with teeth visible.

Gray Whales Born in Big Numbers

NOAA Fisheries scientists keep track of how many gray whale calves are born each winter, and it looks like this was a banner year for calf production.
July 17, 2014 - Podcast ,

Healthy Habitat: The Foundation of America's Seafood and Fisheries

Healthy habitat is the foundation of our nation's seafood and fisheries.
July 07, 2014 - Video ,

For Rescued Sea Turtle Eggs, A Chance at Survival

NOAA Fisheries veterinarian, Brian Stacy, describes a very unusual attempt to rescue the eggs of a sea turtle that was hit and killed by a boat.
June 08, 2014 - Podcast ,

Antarctic Minke Whales, Mystery Soundmakers of the Southern Ocean

Scientists have discovered the source of the "bio-duck" sound, a strange noise that has mystified scientists and submarine captains in the ocean off Antarctica for decades.
April 23, 2014 - Podcast

How to Disentangle a Whale

Every year, dozens of whales become entangled in fishing gear off the U.S. Atlantic coast. The Atlantic Large Whale Disentanglement Network works to save them.
March 29, 2014 - Podcast ,
Entangled whale as viewed underwater, gear appears to be wrapped around tail.

A Changing Climate in Fisheries Management

How will we manage fish populations as the climate changes? NOAA Fisheries biologist John Manderson is working on one small piece of the puzzle.
February 13, 2014 - Podcast ,
Temperature map of the ocean in the Northeast Atlantic