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New England/Mid-Atlantic Results

3486 results match your filter criteria.

How Will Changing Ocean Chemistry Affect the Shellfish We Eat?

Scientists at the NOAA Fisheries Milford Lab are shining some light on ocean acidification by examining how a more acidic ocean affects something we care about: the oysters, surfclams, and scallops that we eat.
April 09, 2019 - Feature Story ,
Oysters shells with different colors based on exposure to acid levels.

Research at the Woods Hole Science Aquarium

A brief look at how the aquarium located in Woods Hole has been used for scientific research from the very start.

SCUTES Student Resources

Use the following resources to increase your understanding of the sturgeon, its habitat, forecasted future and what you can do to help them recover.

Reminder: Gulf of Maine Cod and Haddock Recreational Measures

The recreational Gulf of Maine haddock fishery reopens April 15, 2019, and anglers may keep 12 fish, with a minimum size of 17 inches. Gulf of Maine cod continues to be prohibited.
April 04, 2019 -

Caring for Injured Animals at the Woods Hole Science Aquarium

The Aquarium has been helping sick or injured animals to recover for many years, including cold-stunned sea turtles and seals that would not be able to survive in the ocean.
Turtles in the holding tank, number on their shells for identification.

Education at the Woods Hole Science Aquarium

From visitors to students from near and far, the aquarium offers fascinating learning experiences for all ages. Learn about our educational opportunities here!

Section 7: Take Reporting & Programmatics in the Greater Atlantic Region

Information regarding the Greater Atlantic Region's Section 7 Programmatics and take reporting for biological opinions.

Lone Bowhead Whale Sighted in Gulf of Maine

Bowhead whales generally live in Arctic waters around 54° North latitude, migrating north into the high Arctic in the summer months and to lower latitudes of the Arctic in the winter. For the past few years a lone bowhead has been sighted in the waters off Cape Cod, Massachusetts.
April 03, 2019 - Feature Story ,
Bowhead whale facing toward the top left, feeding at the surface.

Incidental Take Authorization: Renewal of Wind Site Characterization Surveys Offshore New York

NOAA Fisheries has issued an incidental harassment authorization (IHA) Renewal to Equinor Wind US LLC to incidentally harass marine mammals incidental to marine site characterization surveys off the coast of New York in the area of the Commercial Lease…

Incidental Take Authorization: U.S. Navy Dry Dock Expansion Project at Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, Kittery, Maine

NOAA Fisheries has issued a renewal incidental harassment authorization (IHA) to the U.S. Navy (Navy) to take small numbers of marine mammals, by harassment, incidental to Portsmouth Naval Shipyard Dry Dock 1 modification and expansion in Kittery, Maine…