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Dealer Reporting Results

6 results match your filter criteria.

Resources for Fishing in the Greater Atlantic Region

Information on the permits (vessel, dealer and operator permits) and other fishing authorizations that are required in order to participate in the Greater Atlantic Region’s fisheries. This includes data reports and analyses to support and evaluate the region’s fishery management programs.

Seafood Dealer Reporting – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Federally permitted seafood dealers that purchase federally managed species must report those purchases to GARFO.

Seafood Dealer Reporting in the Greater Atlantic Region

Federally permitted seafood dealers must submit weekly trip-level reports.

Changes to the Renewal Process for Federal Permits

FB18-089 Southeast Regional Office Fishery Bulletin; For more information, contact: Sarah Stephenson, (727) 824-5305,
December 20, 2018 -

Atlantic Highly Migratory Species Dealer Reporting

Accurate and timely reporting is necessary and critical for management of Atlantic HMS species. Below is information on the different programs, guidelines, and resources for proper dealer reporting.

Modifications to Federally Permitted Seafood Dealer Reporting Requirements

Effective August 7, 2014, the action modifies permitting and reporting requirements for seafood dealers who first receive federally managed species. This action is intended to improve the accuracy, completeness, consistency, and timeliness of data…