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Bowhead Whale Results

54 results match your filter criteria.

Biological Opinion on the Issuance of Incidental Harassment Authorization to BP Offshore, Inc. for Seismic Surveys in the Simpson Lagoon in 2012

This opinion addresses authorization by NOAA Fisheries of the incidental and unintentional taking of bowhead whales, ringed seals, and bearded seals due to ocean bottom cable seismic surveys by BP in the Simpson Lagoon area of the Beaufort Sea.
June 21, 2012 - Biological Opinion ,

Biological Opinion on the Issuance of Incidental Harassment Authorization to Shell Offshore, Inc. for Exploratory Drilling in the Alaskan Chukchi Sea in 2012

Biological opinion on the potential effects of exploratory oil drilling by Shell on the Outer Continental Shelf waters of the Chukchi Sea.
April 23, 2012 - Biological Opinion ,

Biological Opinion on the Issuance of Incidental Harassment Authorization to Shell Offshore, Inc. for Exploratory Drilling in the Alaskan Beaufort Sea in 2012

Biological opinion on the potential effects of exploratory oil drilling by Shell Offshore, Inc. on the Outer Continental Shelf waters of the Beaufort Sea on marine mammals.
April 23, 2012 - Biological Opinion ,

Biological Opinion on the Incidental Harassment Authorization to Allow for Incidental Takes of Marine Mammals During Shallow Hazards Survey in the Chukchi Sea, Alaska

Biological opinion on the effects of oil and gas exploration activities in the U. S. Chukchi Sea on the endangered bowhead whales, fin whales, and humpback whales.
July 22, 2011 - Biological Opinion ,

Biological Opinion on the Authorization of Small Takes for Certain Oil and Gas Exploration Activities in the U.S. Beaufort and Chukchi Seas, Alaska for 2010

This opinion addresses the potential effects of authorization of “small take” permits under section 101(a) of the Marine Mammal Protection Act, as amended, for certain oil and gas exploration activities in the U. S. Beaufort Sea and Chukchi seas for 2010.
July 13, 2010 - Biological Opinion ,

Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement on Proposed Seismic Surveys in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas; Notice of Withdrawal

On November 17, 2006, pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), NOAA Fisheries and the Minerals Management Service (MMS) announced our intent to prepare a Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (DPEIS) that would describe and…

Bowhead Whale Subsistence Harvest 2008-2012

Co-management of the bowhead whale subsistence harvest.
December 01, 2008 - Other Reports ,

Biological Opinion on Oil and Gas Leasing and Exploration Activities in the U.S. Beaufort and Chukchi Seas, Alaska; and Authorization of Small Takes Under the Marine Mammal Protection Act

Consultation on the potential effects of oil and gas leasing and exploration in the U. S. Beaufort Sea and Chukchi Seas, and authorization of “small take” permits.
July 17, 2008 - Biological Opinion ,

Final Environmental Impact Statement for Issuing Annual Quotas to the Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission for a Subsistence Hunt on Bowhead Whales for the Years 2008 Through 2012

NOAA Fisheries proposes to authorize subsistence harvests of the Western Arctic stock of bowhead whales for the years 2008 through 2012, under the Whaling Convention Act, and a cooperative agreement with the Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission.
January 14, 2008 - NEPA ,

Biological Opinion on the Issuance of Annual Quotas Authorizing the Harvest of Bowhead Whales to the Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission for the Period 2008-2012

Annual quotas to the Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission for a subsistence hunt on bowhead whales. NMFS Consultation Number: AKR-2007-7109.
January 02, 2008 - Biological Opinion ,