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Alaska Marine Mammal Stranding Results

42 results match your filter criteria.

Take the Lead, Do not Feed

Changing our behavior can keep people and Steller sea lions safe.
September 28, 2022 - Feature Story ,
Fisherman feeding a Steller sea lion. A fisherman feeds a Steller sea lion.

Celebrating Alaskan Indigenous Members of the Marine Mammal Stranding Network

Tribes and local governments play an important role in collecting marine mammal data and responding to entangled and stranded marine animals throughout remote areas of Alaska.
November 19, 2021 - Feature Story ,
A Tribal member stands next to a stranded bowhead whale that was killed by killer whale predation. Blue sky, white waves, and a dark sand beach. Perry Ashagnuak (Utqiagvik) collecting an eye from a stranded bowhead whale that had been killed by killer whale predation. Photo credit: Raphaela Stimmelmayr

Alaska Oil Spill Response Guidance

Alaska Region oil spill response plans specific to marine mammals.

Is That Steller Sea Lion in Distress? Waving? Or Is It...Thermoregulation?

NOAA Fisheries often receives reports of Steller sea lions exhibiting this behavior from concerned citizens who think the sea lion may be in distress.
May 07, 2021 - Feature Story ,
Steller sea lions thermoregulating Sea lions look like they are waving, but they are thermoregulating.

Copper River Delta Carcass Surveys - Final Reports

Biologists conducted survey flights of the shifting sand shoals of the Copper River Delta to search for marine mammal carcasses and to conduct necropsies of any observed carcasses in order to establish the cause of death and collect biological samples.
May 03, 2021 - Other Reports ,

Alaska Region Marine Mammal Annual Stranding Reports

Annual summary reports of strandings of cetaceans (whales) and pinnipeds (seals and sea lions) that occurred in Alaskan waters and were reported to NOAA Fisheries, Alaska Region.
January 31, 2021 - Other Reports ,

Alaska Region Marine Mammal Stranding Network Newsletters

Bi-annual newsletter summarizing marine mammal strandings, unusual mortality events, strandings research and workshops in Alaska.
December 10, 2020 - Other Reports ,