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Alaska Groundfish Management Results

160 results match your filter criteria.

What is the Appropriate Pollock Incidental Catch Allowance in the Aleutian Islands? A Discussion Paper

Analysis of pollock Incidental Catch Allowance in the Aleutian Islands Pacific cod, Pacific ocean perch, and Atka mackerel fisheries.
September 01, 2004 - Analyses (non-NEPA) ,

Alaska Groundfish Programmatic Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (PSEIS)

Notice of Availability for EIS No. 040259, Final EIS, NOA, AK, Programmatic EIS — Alaska Groundfish Fisheries, New Information concerning the Ecosystem and a Preferred Alternative, Fishery Management Plans for the Groundfish Fishery of the Gulf of…

2003 Economic Status of the Groundfish Fisheries off Alaska

The domestic groundfish fishery off Alaska is an important segment of the U.S. fishing industry. This report contains figures and tables which summarize various aspects of the economic performance of the fishery. Generally, data are presented for the domestic groundfish fishery for 1999 through 2003. Limited catch and ex-vessel value data are reported for earlier years in order to depict the rapid development of the domestic groundfish fishery in the 1980s and to provide a more complete historical perspective on catch. Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) is not included in data for the groundfish fishery in this report because for management purposes halibut is not part of the groundfish complex.
September 26, 2003 - Assessments ,

2002 Economic Status of the Groundfish Fisheries off Alaska

The domestic groundfish fishery off Alaska is an important segment of the U.S. fishing industry. This report contains figures and tables which summarize various aspects of the economic performance of the fishery. Generally, data are presented for the domestic groundfish fishery for 1998 through 2002. Limited catch and ex-vessel value data are reported for earlier years in order to depict the rapid development of the domestic groundfish fishery in the 1980s and to provide a more complete historical perspective on catch. Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) is not included in data for the groundfish fishery in this report because for management purposes halibut is not part of the groundfish complex.
September 26, 2002 - Assessments ,

2001 Economic Status of the Groundfish Fisheries Off Alaska

The domestic groundfish fishery off Alaska is an important segment of the U.S. fishing industry. This report contains figures and tables which summarize various aspects of the economic performance of the fishery. Generally, data are presented for the domestic groundfish fishery for 1997 through 2001. Limited catch and ex-vessel value data are reported for earlier years in order to depict the rapid development of the domestic groundfish fishery in the 1980s and to provide a more complete historical perspective on catch. Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) is not included in data for the groundfish fishery in this report because for management purposes halibut is not part of the groundfish complex.
September 27, 2001 - Assessments ,

Biological Opinion on the Authorization of the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands Groundfish Fisheries and the Gulf of Alaska Groundfish Fisheries

Biological opinion to determine whether the BSAI or GOA groundfish fisheries jeopardize the continued existence of listed species in the areas affected by the fisheries (i.e., the action areas) or adversely modify critical habitat of such species.
November 30, 2000 - Biological Opinion ,

2000 Economic Status of the Groundfish Fisheries off Alaska

The domestic groundfish fishery off Alaska is an important segment of the U.S. fishing industry. This report contains figures and tables which summarize various aspects of the economic performance of the fishery. Generally, data are presented for the domestic groundfish fishery for 1996 through 2000. Limited catch and ex-vessel value data are reported for earlier years in order to depict the rapid development of the domestic groundfish fishery in the 1980s and to provide a more complete historical perspective on catch. Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) is not included in data for the groundfish fishery in this report because for management purposes halibut is not part of the groundfish complex.
September 26, 2000 - Assessments ,

1990-1999 Alaska Groundfish Harvest Specifications

Fishing year harvest specifications, apportionments, and Pacific halibut prohibited species catch limits for the groundfish fishery of the Gulf of Alaska and the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands. These actions are necessary to establish harvest limits…

Vessel Moratorium for Groundfish and Crab in Alaska - Federal Register Rules and Notices

NOAA Fisheries implemented the Vessel Moratorium Program through regulations effective January 1, 1996, to impose a temporary moratorium on the entry of new vessels into the commercial groundfish fisheries in the Exclusive Economic Zone of the GOA and…