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5 resources match your filter criteria.

Ecosystem Science for Endangered and Threatened Rockfish in Puget Sound

Interdisciplinary and cooperative research to measure progress towards recovery and delisting of endangered and threatened species.

Fisheries Oceanography in the California Current

We contribute to the understanding of the effects of climate change and climate variability on pelagic fisheries, with a primary focus on the ecology of fishes living in the California Current Ecosystem and other forage species.
Amy Hays_Resized.jpg

Genetics, Physiology and Aquaculture in the Pacific

We conduct research across multiple focal areas and species through genetic and physiological tools to provide improved data products for managers and industry.
820 x 647. Red Abalone reestablishment project. Michael Ready. 2017.jpg

Seeing Puget Sound Through a New Lens

Underwater Exploration Supports Rockfish Recovery Efforts
Bob Pacunski aboard a vessel preparing the ROV for operation

Recompression Experiments on Rougheye Rockfish with Barotrauma

There is some evidence that recompression may greatly increase the survival of barotrauma-injured rockfish.
Rockfish bladder after suffering barotrauma