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465 resources match your filter criteria.

Relative Impacts of Simultaneous Stressors on a Pelagic Marine Ecosystem

Model suggests that due to climate change, a decline in the yield of Hawaii's longline fishery may be inevitable, but the effects of climate change on the ecosystem depend heavily on the intensity of fishing mortality.
July 04, 2019 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,

Impacts of Simultaneous Stressors on a Marine Ecosystem

We investigate the effects of climate change and fishing on Hawaii’s deep-set longline fishery for bigeye tuna; and find results that suggest a decline in Hawaii’s longline fishery yield may be inevitable.
July 04, 2019 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,

El Niño-Associated Catastrophic Coral Mortality at Jarvis Island, Central Equatorial Pacific

Observing how a remote ecosystem responds to the 2014–2017 Global Coral Bleaching Event being the longest, most widespread, and impactful on record.
July 01, 2019 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,

Geographic and Temporal Patterns in the Acoustic Detection of Sperm Whales

This 2005-2013 study confirms the broad distribution of sperm whales across the North Pacific and highlights subtle temporal patterns in their acoustic activity, which may be related to shifts in animal behavior or movement. 
June 27, 2019 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,

Song Production by the North Pacific Right Whale, Eubalaena Japonica

This paper describes song production by the eastern North Pacific right whale (NPRW, Eubalaena japonica) in the southeastern Bering Sea. Songs were localized in real-time to individuals using sonobuoys.
June 17, 2019 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,

Age and Growth Analyses for the Endangered Belugas in Cook Inlet, Alaska

Daniel J. Vos, Kim E. W. Shelden, Nancy A. Friday, and Barbara A. Mahoney researched and combined beluga age estimates, from the teeth of hunted and stranded belugas during the period 1992–2001, with additional teeth collected up to June 2015.
June 02, 2019 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,

Prioritizing Reef Resilience Through Spatial Planning Following a Mass Coral Bleaching Event

A study published in Coral Reefs that combines ecological and cultural considerations to identify which herbivore management area locations would be most effective for Hawaiian reef recovery.
May 25, 2019 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,

Prioritizing Reef Resilience Through Spatial Planning

Following the 2014–2017 global coral bleaching event, we seek ways to promote long-term resilience. Here we investigate an unique spatial approach that can serve as an example for coral reef management in Hawai‘i, on other Pacific Islands, and beyond.
May 24, 2019 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,

Spatial Distribution and Dive Behavior of Gulf of Mexico Bryde's Whales: Potential Risk of Vessel Strikes and Fisheries Interactions

Evaluating the potential overlap of commercial shipping and commercial fisheries with Gulf of Mexico Bryde’s Whale distribution.
May 15, 2019 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,

Trace Metals in Green Sea Turtles (Chelonia Mydas) Inhabiting Two Southern California Coastal Estuaries

We assessed 21 trace metals in green turtle scute and red blood cell samples collected find evidence that green turtle TM concentrations can differ between urbanized habitats and that long-term monitoring of these green turtles may be necessary. 
May 15, 2019 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,