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132 resources match your filter criteria.

Supplemental Environmental Assessment/Regulatory Impact Review/Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis for Amendment 75 to the Fishery Management Plan for Groundfish of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Area - Changes in IR/IU Flatfish Requirements

Analysis of alternative actions to address the issue of the improved retention and improved utilization (IR/IU) of yellowfin sole and rock sole in BSAI groundfish fisheries and shallow-water flatfish in GOA groundfish fisheries (Flatfish IR/IU).
July 01, 2003 - NEPA ,

National Plan of Action for the Reduction of Seabird Incidental Catch in Longline Fisheries

The United States voluntarily developed the U.S. National Plan of Action for Reducing the Incidental Catch of Seabirds in Longline Fisheries to fulfill a national responsibility to address seabird bycatch in longline fisheries.
February 01, 2001 - Other Reports ,

Workshop to Design an Experiment to Determine the Effects of Longline Gear Modification on Sea Turtle Bycatch Rates

NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-OPR-19 Workshop Date: 2-4 September 1998
December 01, 2000 - Technical Memo ,

Environmental Assessment/Regulatory Impact Review for Establishing the Halibut Provisions of the Prohibited Species Donation Program

This final regulatory amendment will permanently extend the existing regulations that establish and govern the voluntary Pacific halibut donation program.
October 04, 2000 - NEPA ,

Environmental Assessment for Amendment 58 to the Fishery Management Plan for the Groundfish Fishery of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Area

Amendment 58 will reduce the annual trawl bycatch limits for Chinook salmon and will revise the Chinook Salmon Savings Area in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands management area.
February 08, 2000 - NEPA ,

EA/RIR/FRFA for Final Rule to Implement a Regulatory Amendment to Revise Maximum Retainable Bycatch Percentages for Shortraker/Rougheye and Thornyhead Rockfish in the Gulf of Alaska

Reducing maximum retainable bycatch percentages for shortraker/rougheye and thornyhead rockfish in the Gulf of Alaska
November 02, 1999 - NEPA ,

Development of a Process for the Long-term Monitoring of MMPA Category I and II Commercial Fisheries: Proceedings of a Workshop held in Silver Spring, MD

NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-OPR-14 Workshop Date: June 15-16, 1998
September 01, 1999 - Technical Memo ,

Environmental Assessment and Regulatory Impact Review for a Regulatory Amendment to Revise Maximum Retainable Bycatch Percentages for Shortraker/Rougheye Rockfish in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Management Area

This assessment/review analyzes reduced maximum retainable bycatch percentages for shortraker and rougheye rockfish in the Bering Sea Aleutian Islands area.
February 25, 1998 - NEPA ,