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308 resources match your filter criteria.

National Report on Large Whale Entanglements Confirmed in the United States in 2018

This summary report represents a conservative estimate of the number of large whale entanglements confirmed in U.S. waters.
June 09, 2020 - Other Reports ,
cover for 2018-Large-Whale-Entanglement-Report-webready-508.jpg

Injury Determinations for Humpback Whales and Other Cetaceans Reported to NOAA Response Networks in the Hawaiian Islands During 2018

During 2018, there were 19 reports of cetaceans with human-caused injuries, including 4 humpback whales involved in vessel collisions, 11 humpback whales entangled in presumed fishing gear or marine debris and 4 other cetaceans with human-caused injuries.
June 05, 2020 - Technical Memo ,

Assessing the Population-Level Impacts of North Pacific Loggerhead and Western Pacific Leatherback Turtle Interactions

This TM is intended to be read as part II of NOAA TM NMFS-PIFSC-95 and is an update to the methods to address partial observer coverage in the deep-set longline fisheries, as well as a presentation of new results. The two TMs should be read together.
May 28, 2020 - Technical Memo ,

Injury Determinations for Marine Mammals Observed Interacting With Hawaii and American Samoa Longline Fisheries During 2018

Data on marine mammal interactions (i.e., hookings and entanglements) with the Hawaii and American Samoa longline fisheries observed during 2018 were compiled.
May 13, 2020 - Technical Memo ,

2019 West Coast Whale Entanglement Summary and Infographic

Each year, NOAA Fisheries collects, verifies, documents, and responds to reports of large whale entanglements. The 2019 U.S. West Coast reports, and other relevant information and developments are included in this summary.
May 11, 2020 - Other Reports ,

Human Dimensions Considerations in Wildlife Disease Management

USGS Field Manual of Wildlife Diseases: Chapter 8 of Section C, Techniques in Disease Surveillance and Investigation Book 15
April 01, 2020 - Other Reports ,

Large Whale Entanglements off the U.S. West Coast, From 1982–2017

Large whale interaction and entanglement with gear in the ocean poses a major threat to animals worldwide.
March 24, 2020 - Technical Memo ,

Biological and Conference Opinion on the Issuance of a Scientific Research Permit Nos. 20648, 21482 and 21938 for Research on Marine Mammals

Biological and Conference Opinion on the Issuance of Scientific Research Permit Nos. 20648 to Dr. Heidi Pearson for Research on Marine Mammals in the Gulf of Alaska and Southeast Alaska, 21482 to Dr. Dan Engelhaupt, HDR, Inc. for Research on Marine Mammals in the Arctic, Atlantic, Indian, Pacific, and Southern Oceans, and 21938 to the Southeast Fisheries Science Center for Research on Marine Mammals in the Western North Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean Sea
February 13, 2020 - Biological Opinion ,