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19 resources match your filter criteria.

Collaboration with Canada Strengthens Ocean Acidification Science

Field Fresh Blog: Science in Motion

NOAA Fisheries continues to foster collaboration with Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Postdoctoral researcher Sam Gurr recently went on an international exchange to advance research on the effects of ocean acidification on shellfish.
January 30, 2024 - Research ,
Female scientist standing to the left of a table containing fiberglass chambers with individual scallops. Male scientist standing to the right of the table. Both are pipetting to collect samples. A laboratory and whiteboard are in the background.

Does Environmental Change Jog the Memory of Conditioned Scallops?

Field Fresh Blog: Science in Motion

Investigating whether scallops’ memory-like responses can help them adapt to climate change.
June 09, 2023 - Research ,
A hand holds three greenish gray bay scallop shells.

Atlantic Sea Scallop Managed Waters Fishing Year 2023

This dataset depicts the boundaries of Atlantic Sea Scallop Managed Waters for Fishing Year 2023.
April 14, 2023 - Map ,
2023 Scallop Areas

Bottom Types and Record Numbers: Scallop Survey Finale

Field Fresh Blog: Science in Motion

After some bad weather, we saw many kinds of seabeds and an encouraging number of young scallops
July 01, 2022 - Survey ,
A color image taken in a well-lit laboratory aboard a research vessel. Scientists sit in front of computer screens that are showing images captured by deployed cameras as well as the ship’s cruise track. Science crew annotating HabCam pictures while sheltering from inclement weather. Credit: NOAA Fisheries/Christine Kircun

Scallop Survey "HabCamming" and "Round the Clock Dredging"

Field Fresh Blog: Science in Motion

The final leg of the scallop survey yielded more HabCam images and some tiny critters.
June 30, 2022 - Survey ,
A color image taken at sunrise from the deck of a research ship. The water is calm and the rising sun’s light brightens the horizon at the image’s center. The waves were like glass during the night shift’s first sunrise.

Atlantic Sea Scallop Managed Waters Fishing Year 2022

This dataset depicts the boundaries of Atlantic Sea Scallop Managed Waters for Fishing Year 2022.
April 19, 2022 - Map ,
Scallop Wall Map 2022

Storymap: Scallop Map 2018

Take a tour of each section of the scallop regulations in 2018 in this storymap.
May 20, 2020 - Map ,

Georges Bank/Southern New England Scallop Dredge Exemption Area

This dataset depicts the boundaries of the Georges Bank/Southern New England (GB/SNE) Scallop Dredge Exemption Area.
May 13, 2020 - Map ,
GOM_and SG_SNE_Dredge_Exemption_Areas_202058.jpg