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Cooperative Research Publications – Northeast Fisheries Science Center

July 24, 2023

Our Cooperative Research Branch has published findings from our engagements with the fishing community.

Bottom Longline Survey Featured Publications

The Gulf of Maine Cooperative Bottom Longline Survey started in 2014 to collect data on species that trawl surveys can’t sample well because they prefer rocky habitats.

  • McElroy, W.D., Tholke, E.K., Wuenschel, M.J. and Robillard, E. 2022. Life history assessment of cusk, a data‐poor species, in US waters. Marine and Coastal Fisheries 14(5):p.e10223.
  • McElroy, W.D., Blaylock, J., Shepherd, G.R., Legault, C.M., Nitschke, P.C. and Sosebee, K.A. 2021. Comparison of a bottom longline survey and a bottom trawl survey for 2 groundfish species in the Gulf of Maine to evaluate habitat-related availability of large fish. Fishery Bulletin 119(4):231–242.
  • Grieve, B.D., Hare, J.A. and McElroy, W.D. 2021. Modeling the impacts of climate change on thorny skate (Amblyraja radiata) on the Northeast US shelf using trawl and longline surveys. Fisheries Oceanography 30(3):300–314.
  • Kneebone, J., Sulikowski, J., Knotek, R., McElroy, W.D., Gervelis, B., Curtis, T., Jurek, J. and Mandelman, J. 2020. Using conventional and pop-up satellite transmitting tags to assess the horizontal movements and habitat use of thorny skate (Amblyraja radiata) in the Gulf of Maine. ICES Journal of Marine Science 77(7-8):2790–2803.
  • McElroy, W.D., O’Brien, L., Blaylock, J., Martin, M.H., Rago, P.J., Hoey, J.J. and Sheremet, V.A. 2019. Design, implementation, and results of a cooperative research Gulf of Maine longline survey, 2014-2017. US Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service, Northeast Fisheries Science Center. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-NE 249. 161pp.
  • Runnebaum, J., Guan, L., Cao, J., O’Brien, L. and Chen, Y. 2018. Habitat suitability modeling based on a spatiotemporal model: an example for cusk in the Gulf of Maine. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 75(11):1784–1797.

Study Fleet

The Study Fleet is a program that engages fishermen in collecting high-resolution catch, effort, and environmental data using electronic logbooks. The program was developed by the Northeast Fisheries Science Center's Cooperative Research Branch to contribute to stock and ecosystem assessments and inform fisheries management.

  • Allen-Jacobson, L.M., Jones, A.W., Mercer, A.J., Cadrin, S.X., Galuardi, B., Christel, D., Silva, A., Lipsky, A. and Haugen, J.B. 2023. Evaluating potential Impacts of Offshore Wind Development on Fishing Operations by Comparing Fine- and coarse-scale fishery-dependent data. Mar Coast Fish 15: e10233.
  • Jones, A.W., Burchard, K.A., Mercer, A.M., Hoey, J.J., Morin, M.D., Gianesin, G.L., Wilson, J.A., Alexander, C.R., Lowman, B.A., Duarte, D.G. and Goethel, D. 2022. Learning from the study fleet: maintenance of a large-scale reference fleet for northeast US fisheries. Frontiers in Marine Science 9:869560.
  • Bell, R.J., Gervelis, B., Chamberlain, G. and Hoey, J. 2017. Discard estimates from self-reported catch data: An example from the US northeast shelf. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 37(5), pp.1130-1144.
  • Turner, S.M., Hare, J.A., Manderson, J.P., Hoey, J.J., Richardson, D.E., Sarro, C.L. and Silva, R., 2017. Cooperative research to evaluate an incidental catch distribution forecast. Frontiers in Marine Science, 4, p.116.
  • Blackburn J. 2017. Study fleet inventory of data uses: a tool for stakeholder engagement. US Dept Commer Northeast Fish Sci Ref Doc 17-06.
  • Axelson, L., Bright, W.K., DiDomenico G., Goodwin G., Hoey, J., Knight, J., Lapp, M, Manderson, J.P., McCallig, G. Mitchell, B.P., Moore, P., Mullen, R., O'Neill, G., Quinn, P., Reichle, W., Rhule, J., Sarro, C. Fishing industry perspectives on the socioecological factors driving catchability and landings of Atlantic mackerel in US waters. SAW/SARC-64 Working Paper: 2017. Appendix A10.

Cooperative Environmental Monitoring

The Environmental Monitors on Lobster Traps and Large Trawlers (eMOLT) program outfits fishing vessels with oceanographic sensors to collect bottom water temperature data across the Northeast U.S. Continental Shelf.

  • Manning, J., Pelletier, E. 2009. Environmental monitors on lobster traps (eMOLT): long-term observations of New England’s bottom-water temperatures. Journal of Operational Oceanography 2, 25–33.
  • Van Vranken, C., Vastenhoud, B.M.J., Manning, J.P., Plet-Hansen, K.S., Jakoboski, J., Gorringe, P., Martinelli, M. 2020. Fishing gear as a data collection platform: opportunities to fill spatial and temporal gaps in operational sub-surface observation networks. Front Mar Sc. 7, 485512.
  • Wilkin, J., Levin, J., Moore, A., Arango, H., López, A., Hunter, E. 2022. A data-assimilative model reanalysis of the U.S. Mid Atlantic Bight and Gulf of Maine: configuration and comparison to observations and global ocean models. Progress in Oceanography 209, 102919.
  • Li, B., Tanaka, K.R., Chen, Y., Brady, D.C., Thomas, A.C. 2017. Assessing the quality of bottom water temperatures from the Finite-Volume Community Ocean Model (FVCOM) in the Northwest Atlantic Shelf region. Journal of Marine Systems 173, 21–30.
  • Goulette, G.S., Hawkes, J.P., Kocik, J.F., Manning, J.P., Music, P.A., Wallinga, J.P., Zydlewski, G.B. 2014. Opportunistic acoustic telemetry platforms: benefits of collaboration in the Gulf of Maine. Fisheries 39, 441–450.
  • Gawarkiewicz, G.G., Todd, R.E., Plueddemann, A.J., Andres, M., Manning, J.P. 2012. Direct interaction between the Gulf Stream and the shelfbreak south of New England. Sci Rep 2, 553.

Industry-Based Biological Sampling

Our branch works with industry partners across the region to collect fish and invertebrate samples for age, growth, reproduction, and bioenergetics studies.

  • McBride, R.S., Fairchild, E.A., Press, Y.K., Elzey, S.P., Adams, C.F. and Bentzen, P. 2022. A life history study of Atlantic wolffish resolves bias and imprecision in length‐and age‐at‐maturity schedules by recognizing abortive maturation. Marine and Coastal Fisheries, 14(5), p.e10222.
  • McBride, R.S., Maynard, G.A., Elzey, S.P., Hennen, D.R., Tholke, E.K., Runnebaum, J.M. and McGuire, C.H. 2022. Evaluating growth dimorphism, maturation, and skip spawning of Atlantic halibut in the Gulf of Maine using a collaborative research approach. J Northw Atl Fish Sci 53, pp.57-77.
  • Pitchford, S. C., Smith, B. E., and McBride, R. S. 2020. A real-time PCR assay to detect predation by spiny dogfish on Atlantic cod in the western North Atlantic Ocean. Ecology and Evolution, 10: 11022– 11030.
  • Tholke E.K, McElroy W.D. and McBride R.S. 2019. Spermatogenesis, reproductive maturation, and spawning seasonality of male winter flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus: comparisons among fishery stocks. Fisheries Research, 214: 85-97.
  • Natanson, L. J., McCandless, C.T., and Hoey, J.J. 2017. Gestation period and pupping seasonality of female spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) off southern New England. Fishery Bulletin, 115: 473-483.
  • Wuenschel, M.J, McElroy, W.D., Oliveira, K., and McBride, R.S. 2018. Measuring fish condition: an evaluation of new and old metrics for three species with contrasting life histories. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 76(6): 886-903.

Collaborative Squid Research

We work to establish innovative collaborative research efforts between industry and scientists to improve the uptake of ecosystem information into management.

  • Salois, S. L., Hyde, K. J. W., Silver, A., Lowman, B. A., Gangopadhyay, A., Gawarkiewicz, G., Mercer, A. J. M., Manderson, J. P., Gaichas, S. K., Hocking, D. J., Galuardi, B., Jones, A. W., Kaelin, J., DiDomenico, G., Almeida, K., Bright, B., and Lapp, M. 2023. Shelf break exchange processes influence the availability of the northern shortfin squid, Illex illecebrosus, in the Northwest Atlantic. Fisheries Oceanography, 1–18.
  • Mercer, A.J.M., Manderson, J.P., Lowman, B.A., Salois, S.L., Hyde, K.J.W., Pessutti, J., Jones, A.W., Ruhle, R., Bright, B., Sawyer, T., Lapp, M., Kaelin, J., Almeida, K. and DiDomenico, G. 2023. Bringing in the experts: application of industry knowledge to advance catch rate standardization for northern shortfin squid (Illex illecebrosus). Front Mar Sci 10:1144108.
  • Lowman B.A., Jones A.W., Pessutti J.P., Mercer A.J.M., Manderson J.P. and Galuardi, B. (2021) Northern Shortfin Squid (Illex illecebrosus) Fishery Footprint on the Northeast US Continental Shelf. Front Mar Sci 8:631657.

Evaluating Impacts from Offshore Wind Energy

To understand the potential conflict between fisheries operations and the development of offshore wind farms, we work with the UMass School for Marine Science and Technology using fine-scale fishing data from a variety of sources.

  • Allen‐Jacobson, L.M., Jones, A.W., Mercer, A.J., Cadrin, S.X., Galuardi, B., Christel, D., Silva, A., Lipsky, A. and Haugen, J.B., 2023. Evaluating potential impacts of offshore wind development on fishing operations by comparing Fine‐and coarse‐scale fishery‐dependent data. Marine and Coastal Fisheries, 15(1), p.e10233.

Last updated by Northeast Fisheries Science Center on 08/31/2023