Dive In with NOAA Fisheries

About the Series

NOAA Fisheries conducts world-class science to support sustainable marine life and habitats. We manage millions of square miles of ocean (almost 100,000 miles of coastline), support a $244 billion fishing industry, and protect and rebuild endangered marine species and habitats. It’s a huge job. Our podcast, “Dive In with NOAA Fisheries,” is about the work we do and the people behind it.

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Dive In With NOAA Fisheries Podcast Series

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Past Episodes

The Hawaiian monk seal pupping season has started! NOAA Fisheries experts in the Pacific Islands work with partners to protect the pups during this critical time.
Eat more monkfish! A nonprofit agency in New York works to increase demand and consumption of monkfish in the Northeast.
An update from our experts on the status of North Atlantic right whales, and our plans to use Inflation Reduction Act funds for right whale conservation.
The Northeast Bottom Trawl survey reached a major milestone when it turned 60 years old in fall 2023. Learn how this survey is conducted and how it informs science and management in the Atlantic.
North Atlantic right whales get a lot of attention. In this episode, we learn a little about their lesser known West Coast cousins: North Pacific right whales, whose numbers are dramatically low.

Meet the Host

Last updated by Office of Communications on 07/20/2023