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Monique Arsenault in the woods.

Monique Arsenault

Assistant Safety Lead (Affiliate)
Fishery Monitoring and Research Division
Fisheries Monitoring and Operations
Office: (774) 392-5261
Email: monique.arsenault@noaa.gov

Monique Arsenault

Assistant Safety Lead (Affiliate)

Monique earned a B.S in Biomedical Science: Medical & Veterinary Science from the University of New Hampshire in 2016. She began her career as an environmental science technician and taxonomist identifying fish larvae and eggs from the Hudson River to species. Following her lab position, she began working as a fisheries observer in the Northeast where she deployed on trawl, gillnet, longline, and scallop dredge fishing vessels. 


She also received certifications as a Protected Species Observer, Dockside Monitor, and Electronic Monitor. Monique later transitioned to an Area Coordinator and Lead Safety Trainer role before becoming a full-time At-Sea Monitor Instructor, all in support of the observer program. In March of 2024, she began working as the Assistant Safety Lead at the Northeast Fisheries Science Center where she will continue to prioritize and support observer safety at-sea.