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Paige Hanson in oranage jacket at the beach at sunset.

Paige Hanson

Acoustician (Affiliate)
Protected Species Division
Passive Acoustics Branch
Baleen Whale Acoustics
Office: (508) 216-0516
Email: paige.hanson@noaa.gov

Paige Hanson

Acoustician (Affiliate)

Paige Hanson received a B.S. in Marine Science from Eckerd College in December, 2022.  As an undergraduate, she completed a thesis investigating the effect of ambient noise on the acoustic signals of red grouper on the West Florida Shelf. Additionally, she participated in acoustics-based internships with both California State University, Monterey Bay and the Eckerd College Dolphin Project. Upon graduation, she funded and led field work targeted at collecting the acoustic signals of gulf toadfish. Her research interests broadly lie within the field of acoustic ecology and the application of acoustics for conservation purposes. She joined the Passive Acoustic Research Branch in 2024 where she works on baleen whale seasonal occurrence.