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150 items match your filter criteria.

Snow Cone Watch: Updates on Entangled Right Whale Mother and Newborn Calf

An entangled North Atlantic right whale, known as Snow Cone, and her newborn calf have been spotted multiple times since December 2021. If you see them, or any right whale, move at least 500 yards away—it’s best for the whales and it’s the law.
January 31, 2022 - Feature Story ,
Right whale Catalog #3560 ‘Snow Cone’ and calf sighted off Fernandina Beach, Florida Right whale Catalog #3560 ‘Snow Cone’ and calf sighted off Fernandina Beach, Florida on January 6, 2022. Credit: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (NOAA permit 20556-01).

Must-Read Pacific Islands Stories of 2021

Highlighting successful stories this past year that showcase our ongoing commitment to the science and stewardship of the marine environment in the Pacific Islands.
January 13, 2022 - Feature Story ,
Adult monk seal and newborn pup on a public beach. Hawaiian monk seal RK96 and her pup rest in Waikīkī. Credit: Hawaii Marine Animal Response.

Celebrating Alaskan Indigenous Members of the Marine Mammal Stranding Network

Tribes and local governments play an important role in collecting marine mammal data and responding to entangled and stranded marine animals throughout remote areas of Alaska.
November 19, 2021 - Feature Story ,
A Tribal member stands next to a stranded bowhead whale that was killed by killer whale predation. Blue sky, white waves, and a dark sand beach. Perry Ashagnuak (Utqiagvik) collecting an eye from a stranded bowhead whale that had been killed by killer whale predation. Photo credit: Raphaela Stimmelmayr

2021 John H. Prescott Marine Animal Rescue Assistance Grants Announced

NOAA awards more than $3.7 million in grants to stranding network partners in 19 states and one tribe for Fiscal Year 2021.
September 14, 2021 - Feature Story ,
Photo of Stranded Harbor Seal Pup A stranded Pacific harbor seal pup is examined at World Vets marine mammal urgent care clinic in Gig Harbor, Washington, 2020.

Is That Steller Sea Lion in Distress? Waving? Or Is It...Thermoregulation?

NOAA Fisheries often receives reports of Steller sea lions exhibiting this behavior from concerned citizens who think the sea lion may be in distress.
May 07, 2021 - Feature Story ,
Steller sea lions thermoregulating Sea lions look like they are waving, but they are thermoregulating.

2017 National Report of Marine Mammal Strandings in the United States

NOAA Fisheries releases the 2017 National Report of Marine Mammal Strandings in the United States, the first of a series of annual stranding reports.
March 23, 2021 - News ,
Photo of harbor seals being released following rehabilitation at The Marine Mammal Center, California.