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125 items match your filter criteria.

July 26 is International Mangrove Conservation Day

Celebrating Habitat Month
July 26, 2018 - News ,
Mangroves Photo 2 BlkPneumatophores.jpg

GulfCorps Successfully Completes First Year of Conservation Work

NOAA and partners have completed the first year of GulfCorps, a first-ever region-wide youth conservation corps program across the Gulf Coast.
July 06, 2018 - Feature Story ,

Habitat Matters: Fish Passage

Celebrating Habitat Month
June 21, 2018 - Feature Story ,

Habitat Matters: Coral and Coral Reefs

Celebrating Habitat Month
June 21, 2018 - Feature Story ,

Habitat Matters: Marshes

Celebrate Habitat Month with us and learn more about importance of marshes and NOAA's role in protecting them.
June 21, 2018 - Feature Story ,

NOAA in the Field

NOAA Fisheries staff aboard Army Corps of Engineers dredge, MURDEN
May 31, 2018 - Feature Story ,

NOAA and Partners Build Coastal Resiliency with Natural Infrastructure in Louisiana

Barrier islands and marsh are disappearing at an alarming rate, reducing habitat and its benefit to coastal ecosystems and communities.
May 18, 2018 - Feature Story ,
natural infrastructure barataria barrier island restoration 5.jpg

Restoring the Gulf of Mexico, Two Years after Historic Deepwater Horizon Settlement

In 2017 NOAA and the other Trustees continue to make significant progress toward restoring the Gulf of Mexico from Deepwater Horizon, which poured oil into the water and onto the coastline for almost three months in 2010.
April 24, 2018 - Feature Story ,

Fighting for Coral: Force Blue Coral Response Highlights NOAA Vet Training Programs

A partnership between NOAA, FEMA, nonprofits and a local enterprise is one of many engaging military veterans and restoring important ecosystems—this time helping revive coral reefs in the Caribbean.
March 05, 2018 - Feature Story ,
2018_03 Force Blue PR Mission 2 Hellemn Credit.PNG

NOAA and Partners Are Helping Restore Tuna and Swordfish in the Gulf after Deepwater Horizon

Small group of pelagic longline fishing vessel owners will take a six-month voluntary repose, can continue to fish with alternative gear, improving populations and supporting supply chains.
January 08, 2018 - Feature Story ,