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173 items match your filter criteria.

Protecting Ocean Giants: Whale Week 2021

Join us as we celebrate whales and NOAA's work to conserve and protect these majestic ocean giants.
Blue whale Blue whale. Credit: Christian Miller

New Study Reveals Most Impactful Threats to Main Hawaiian Islands Monk Seals

Researchers categorized the causes of seal deaths since 1992 to determine which are most harmful to the recovery of this endangered population.
December 17, 2020 - Feature Story ,
Three monk seals rest on a beach near each other

Ambassadors for Conservation: Hawaiian Monk Seal Volunteers

Hawaiian monk seal volunteers play a critical role in conserving the native seal of Hawai‘i. Working with NOAA Fisheries and other organizations, these trained and dedicated ambassadors help with seal recovery efforts and conservation initiatives.
September 24, 2020 - Feature Story ,
NOAA staff, partners, and volunteers group photo. Group photo of monk seal volunteers, with staff from NOAA Fisheries and the Department of Land and Natural Resources, after successfully dehooking a seal on Kaua‘i. Photo: NOAA Fisheries.

Hawaiian Monk Seal Translocation Project Improves Survival

Research on Hawaiian monk seals shows that moving a young seal to a safer location significantly improves its survival.
August 28, 2020 - Feature Story ,

No Free Meals for Hawaiian Monk Seals

Spearfishers can protect their catch and endangered Hawaiian monk seals by never feeding a seal.
July 30, 2020 - Feature Story ,
A Hawaiian monk seal dives beneath the ocean surface among various coral.

Hawksbill Sea Turtles Are Truly Hawaiʻi Locals

The first genetic characterization of hawksbill turtles in Hawaiʻi reveals new discoveries about this mysterious endangered species.
July 20, 2020 - Feature Story ,

Pohaku Chronicles: Podcast #5

Listen to hear Dr. Barbieri and Ms. Amlin reflect on Pohaku the monk seal's case and talk about what's next for the Pohaku Chronicles podcast.
July 07, 2020 - Podcast ,
AA and MB radio show .jpg

Sea Turtle Week 2020: Celebrating Sea Turtle Conservation

Conserving and protecting sea turtles is a part of our core mission at NOAA Fisheries.