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161 items match your filter criteria.

All Hands on Deck for a Wayward Gray Seal Pup

Marine mammal responders aid lost gray seal pup in making its way north.
March 28, 2019 - Feature Story ,

Curious About Atlantic Sturgeon? Ask Jolvan Morris!

Jolvan Morris coordinates our Students Collaborating to Undertake Tracking Efforts for Sturgeon (SCUTES), a collaboration between NOAA Fisheries, sturgeon researchers, teachers, and informal educators to bring more awareness about sturgeon and the Endangered Species Act into schools and classrooms.
February 28, 2019 - Feature Story ,

Help Right Whales and their Calves: Give Them Space

Watch an endangered right whale mom and baby interact with a group of dolphins, and learn how to keep them safe by staying at least 500 yards away.
February 27, 2019 - Feature Story ,

Learning About Atlantic Salmon In Greenland Via Satellite Tags

NOAA Fisheries biologist Tim Sheehan spent 10 days in southwest Greenland trolling for pre-adult Atlantic salmon to capture and release with a pop-up satellite tag that records environmental conditions and the fish's behavior.
December 03, 2018 - Feature Story ,
Releasing a tagged salmon in Greenland.

Voluntary Slow Speed Zone to Protect Right Whales off Nantucket Extended to December 11

Extension of voluntary vessel slow speed zone established to protect a group of 17 right whales spotted south of Nantucket.
November 27, 2018 - Feature Story ,

Volunteer Pilots Fly South with First Sea Turtles of the New England Cold-Stun Season

Cold-stunned sea turtles in Massachusetts helped by volunteer pilots.
November 08, 2018 - Feature Story ,

Young Right Whale Likely Died from Entanglement

The whale most likely died as a result of being entangled in gear and drowning, according to the information scientists obtained from the necropsy.
September 07, 2018 - Feature Story ,

True's Beaked Whales: Secret No Longer

Researchers Gather Trove of Data on These Elusive Deep-Divers
September 06, 2018 - Feature Story ,
Beaked whale in the foreground, NOAA white boat in the background

Young Whale Gets an Unlikely Second Chance at Survival

NOAA and partners worked together off Sandy Hook, New Jersey yesterday to cut a length of rope entangling a juvenile humpback whale, giving the whale a second chance.
July 12, 2018 - Feature Story ,
Center-for-Coastal Studies-cuts- line-NOAA.jpg

Leatherbacks Tagged for First Time off North Carolina

New Suction-Cup Tag to be Tested
June 14, 2018 - Feature Story ,
Head of a leatherback turtle breaking the surface of the water.