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175 items match your filter criteria.

Conservation Partners to Restore Nearshore Habitat in Virginia

NOAA and partners are working to restore nearshore habitat for fish and other Bay species in Virginia's Middle Peninsula area.
December 04, 2019 - Feature Story ,
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Flood Prediction Helps People and Fish

Knowing more about how and when flooding will occur helps us manage our watersheds for the benefit of people and fish.
November 18, 2019 - Feature Story ,

NOAA Fisheries Hosts Habitat Workshops with Recreational Anglers in the Chesapeake Bay

Recreational fishermen provided feedback at recent workshops and expressed a desire to be involved in collaborative habitat restoration projects.
October 29, 2019 - Feature Story ,
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Tributaries: Small Rivers, Big Returns

Even after 200 or more years of being blocked from their historic spawning and rearing habitats, the fish come back to the rivers and streams.
October 23, 2019 - Feature Story ,

Oyster Restoration Resumes in Virginia's Lynnhaven River

After a two-year hiatus, reef construction is back in action, thanks in part to NOAA funding.
October 16, 2019 - Feature Story ,

Kapisillit River Home to Greenland’s Only Native Atlantic Salmon Population

Large numbers of North American and European origin Atlantic salmon congregate off the coast of Greenland each summer and autumn to feed, yet only one river is thought to be a spawning site in Greenland. Until recently, little has been known about the Kapisillit River, home to the island’s only native salmon population.
October 04, 2019 - Feature Story ,
Releasing a tagged salmon in Greenland.

Stocking Young Atlantic Salmon Downstream Means Higher Survival Success

When it comes to recovering endangered Atlantic salmon, it makes a difference where smolt stocking takes place along a river. A new model can help by evaluating estimated survival of smolts released at different stocking locations.
September 09, 2019 - Feature Story ,
Worker with large hose stocking smolt, river is calm, hand holding a pole is seen on the right.

With Removal of Bloede Dam Complete, Patapsco River Flows More Freely

NOAA, American Rivers, the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, and other partners celebrate the completion of one of the most significant dam removal projects in the Mid-Atlantic, more than a decade in the making.
August 02, 2019 - Feature Story ,
bloede-removal-site_credit-stephen-heverly_750x500.jpg A free-flowing Patapsco River provides opportunities for visitors to fish, swim, and enjoy the river. (Photo: Stephen Heverly)

$950,000 in Funding for NOAA’s Habitat Focus Areas

NOAA announces $950,000 in funding for habitat restoration in six Habitat Focus Areas.
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Great Lakes Habitat Restoration Efforts Recommended for 2019 NOAA Funding

$8.9 million recommended for investment toward Great Lakes habitat restoration will benefit economies, strengthen healthy ecosystems and fisheries, and support resilient communities.
July 18, 2019 - Feature Story ,