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Dive into Shark Week 2021

July 12, 2021

Join us for Shark Week 2021 and learn how we manage U.S. shark populations.

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Join us for Shark Week July 11-18, 2021 as we celebrate one of the ocean's top predators. Sharks play a key role in food web and help ensure the balance of ocean ecosystems. 

NOAA Fisheries manages commercial and recreational shark fisheries in the Atlantic Ocean. We work with three regional fishery management councils to conserve and sustainably manage sharks in the Pacific Ocean. We conduct research, assess stocks, work with U.S. fishermen, and implement restrictions on shark harvests. Through these actions, we have made significant progress toward ending overfishing and rebuilding overfished stocks for long-term sustainability.


Meet Enric Cortés, Research Fishery Biologist

Dr. Enric Cortés is a shark researcher who helps provide  shark population assessments at the Southeast Fisheries Science Center.

Learn more about Dr. Enric Cortés and his work

Enric Cortés in front of a display of shark jaws.
Dr. Enric Cortés in front of a display of shark jaws and other materials at the Shark Population Assessment Group offices at the Panama City Laboratory. Credit: NOAA Fisheries.

Meet John Carlson, Research Fishery Biologist

Dr. John Carlson from our Southeast Fisheries Science Center works to provide data and analysis for shark population assessments and recovery plans.

Learn more about Dr. John Carlson and his work with sharks, rays, and skates

Dr. John Carlson prepares to release a smalltooth sawfish after collecting valuable biological information needed to inform recovery actions for the species. Handling endangered species, such as smalltooth sawfish, is a permit authorized activity.
Dr. John Carlson prepares to release a smalltooth sawfish after collecting valuable biological information needed to inform recovery actions for the species. Handling endangered species, such as smalltooth sawfish, is a permit authorized activity. Credit: NOAA Fisheries.

2021 Coastal Survey Catches Nearly 2,500 Atlantic Sharks

Every two to three years, scientists capture and tag sharks along the southeast Atlantic coast to collect a variety of data. This year’s survey captured nearly 2,500 from 11 different shark species.

Learn more about the 2021 Large Coastal Shark Bottom Longline Survey

An approximately 3-foot-long small shark is laid belly down on the deck of a vessel by a scientist wearing thick rubber boots and gloves. The shark’s eye and top (dorsal) and side (pectoral) fins are clearly visible. The shark is light colored on its belly side and has a pattern of dark and light gray colors on its body that look like stripes.
Small tiger shark captured for tagging and release during the 2021 Coastal Shark Survey. Credit: NOAA Fisheries/Apex Predator Program.

The Final Four of Freaky Sharks

Help us decide which of these four sharks is the freakiest in the ocean!  Visit NOAA Fisheries social media accounts to vote for one of these freaky fish. We'll reveal the winner and more freakish details on Freaky Shark Friday! 

Learn more about these freaky fish

Four freaky looking sharks

12 Shark Facts That May Surprise You

Celebrate Shark Week by learning something new about sharks!

Explore shark facts

Shortfin mako shark. Credit: NOAA Fisheries

Sharks in Atlantic Coastal Waters

Sharks are found in coastal waters along the East Coast, and some species populations are on the rise. But your chances of interacting with one are still very low.

Learn more about sharks in Atlantic coastal waters

Lemon shark by Albert Kok, used under CC BY-SA 3.0. 

U.S.-Caught Sharks Are a Sustainable Food Choice

While overfishing has greatly depleted some shark populations overseas, U.S. shark fisheries are some of the most sustainable in the world.

Learn more about U.S.-caught sharks

Pelagic Blacktip shark in open water.
Pelagic blacktip shark in open water. Credit: Madelein_Wolf/Getty Images

How Our Shark Finning Ban Helps Us Sustainably Manage Shark Fisheries

Hear from a shark management expert about our requirement that fishermen bring sharks to shore with their fins naturally attached.

Learn more about our shark finning ban

Shark And Remora Fish
A blacktip shark. Atese/Getty Images

Are All U.S. Sharks Overfished?

The majority of sharks harvested in the United States are species with above-target population levels. And we have rebuilding plans for all overfished species.

Learn more about U.S. shark populations

Atlantic sharpnose shark. Photo by Kevin Bryant, used under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0. 

From the Archives

A Symphony of Sharks

Top 5 Shark Videos and More

Every week is Shark Week with our top shark features and videos.

Check out shark features and videos

sharks swimming under the water
Two mako sharks swimming. Credit: NOAA Fisheries

Fun Facts about Shocking Sharks

The top predators of the ocean, sharks have been making headlines in recent years. Find out more about these notorious fish (yes, they are fish!).

Dive into more shark facts

Bull shark swimming in shallow water. Credit: NOAA

Memories of Sharks Past

An incisive account of how our knowledge of sharks has grown, from Aristotle to the present day, wins a Best Paper Award from the Marine Fisheries Review.

Learn more about how our knowledge of sharks has grown

A detail from a rare, pre-Hispanic Aztec manuscript depicts a shark attack on a human. Though the image of the shark is stylized, it has the correct number and placement of fins, accurately shaped teeth, and asymmetric caudal fin of a shark. Photo: Codex Fejérvary-Mayer.


Last updated by Office of Communications on August 02, 2021
