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NOAA Fisheries Personnel Default Profile

Paul Chittaro, Ph.D.

Research Fish Biologist
Environmental Chemistry Program
Office: (206) 861-7617
Email: paul.chittaro@noaa.gov

Paul Chittaro, Ph.D.

Research Fish Biologist


Paul received a B.Sc. from the University of Guelph (1998), and a M.Sc. (2000) and Ph.D. (2005) from the University of Windsor in marine ecology. He then joined the NWFSC in 2005.

Current Research

Paul's primary responsibilities include the chemical and microstructural analysis of otoliths so as to quantify age, somatic growth, and patterns of movement for several species of fish (salmon, pacific hake, english sole, cowcod rockfish). Paul has also been developing a life cycle model of spring Chinook salmon within the Willamette Basin.