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Leona Burgess

Leona Burgess

StockEff Project Manager (Affiliate)
Resource Evaluation and Assessment
Population Dynamics
Stock Assessment Efficiency Initiative (StockEff)
Email: leona.burgess@noaa.gov

Leona Burgess

StockEff Project Manager (Affiliate)

Leona is the project manager of the Stock Assessment Efficiency Initiative (StockEff). Working with the Population Dynamics Branch, she is responsible for advancing the capabilities and effectiveness of StockEff through system development, planning, engagement and execution. Previously, she served as the Senior Director of Operations and Planning for Contributor Development Partnership, P.B.C., and WGBH Educational Foundation. She received a Master of Business Administration from Fitchburg State University and is an active volunteer in her community. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with family, pets and outdoors, especially near the ocean.