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Devon in white sweater in front of pine tree.

Devan Driscoll-Roach

Data Debriefer (Affiliate)
Fishery Monitoring and Research Division
Training and Data Quality
Office: (508) 645-6501
Email: devan.driscoll-roach@noaa.gov

Devan Driscoll-Roach

Data Debriefer (Affiliate)

Devan is from Portland, Oregon where she grew up with a strong love for all things nature - from the ant beneath your feet to the tallest of grand ponderosa pines and everything in between. She graduated from Montana State University with a B.S. in Organismal Biology with concentrations in conservation management, entomology, and geology. Upon graduation, she drove herself across the country to begin observing, starting in IFS out of New Bedford and the Cape. She also worked as an At-Sea Monitor and observed consistently for a full year. Devan enjoys insect collecting, bird watching, foraging, and traveling to places that challenge her mentally and physically. She is excited to continue her journey in New England as a Debriefer and is looking forward to being a part of the team at Tech Park.