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Caitlin Langwiser

Research Fishery Biologist
Population and Ecosystem Monitoring Division
Atlantic and Caribbean Reef Fish Branch
Unit Dive Supervisor/Fish Ecology/ NCRMP
Email: caitlin.langwiser@noaa.gov

Caitlin Langwiser

Research Fishery Biologist

Caitlin graduated with a degree in Marine Affairs from the University of Rhode Island in 2011. Following this, she worked for two years as a full-time scuba instructor throughout the Caribbean and Central America. During this time, she gained a wide range of valuable experience in dive leadership, medical training, and technical diving. In 2014, she returned to academia to pursue a master’s degree in Marine Ecosystems at the University of Miami. During the pursuit of her degree, she worked with the National Park Service as an intern conducting reef fish and coral surveys as part of the National Coral Reef Monitoring Program. Since graduating, she has worked with the Southeast Fisheries Science Center’s Fish Ecology group as a field technician, lead diver, data manager, and most recently, acting Unit Dive Supervisor. Caitlin is excited to start her new position as a permanent member of the Fish Ecology group and official Unit Dive Supervisor on June 7th. She looks forward to assisting SEFSC scientists to advance their research diving projects across the center.