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Jonah Crab Fishery: Interstate Fishery Management Plan for Jonah Crab


Fishing Type
Action Status
Final Rule
Point of Contact
Allison Murphy, Fishery Policy Analyst, (978) 281-9122


Based on Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission recommendations, we are implementing regulations for the Jonah crab fishery in federal waters. This action is necessary to enact measures that provide stock protections to a previously unmanaged fishery. The action is intended to ensure compatibility between state and federal Jonah crab management measures, consistent with the Commission’s Interstate Fishery Management Plan for Jonah Crab and the intent of the Atlantic Coastal Fisheries Cooperative Management Act.

Approved measures include:


Management Measure



Vessel permitting

Landing requires a federal lobster permit

Minimum size

4.75-inch (12.065-cm) carapace width

Broodstock protection

Prohibit retention of egg-bearing females

Incidental limit

Up to 1,000 crabs per trip

Incidental latch definition

Up to 50 percent of weight onboard

Dealer permitting and reporting

Federal dealer permit required and mandatory Federal dealer reporting


Broodstock protection

Prohibit retention of egg-bearing females

Catch limit

50 crabs per day

Last updated by Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office on 11/12/2019