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Amendment 10: Establish a Shrimp Fishery Access Area


Fishing Type
Affected Species
Action Status
Point of Contact
Frank Helies: Frank.Helies@noaa.gov, (727) 824-5305


The action would establish a shrimp fishery access area (SFAA) along the eastern boundary of the northern extension of the Oculina Bank Habitat Area of Particular Concern (OHAPC) where trawling for rock shrimp is currently prohibited. Within the proposed SFAA, a shrimp vessel with a valid limited access commercial vessel permit for rock shrimp would be allowed to bottom trawl for rock shrimp. Coral Amendment 10 would help achieve optimum yield in the South Atlantic rock shrimp portion of the shrimp fishery and increase economic and social benefits to rock shrimp fishermen by increasing access to historic rock shrimp fishing grounds, while maintaining protection of the Oculina deep water coral ecosystems.


Amendment 10: Establish a Shrimp Fishery Access Area

Federal Register


NOAA Announces Decision on Commercial Rock Shrimp Fishing Access Area Request within Oculina Bank

FB22-047: South Atlantic Fishery Bulletin; For more information, contact: Frank Helies, 727-824-5305, frank.helies@noaa.gov
July 28, 2022 -

Request for Comments: Establishment of a Shrimp Fishery Access Area within the Oculina Bank Habitat Area of Particular Concern

FB22-023: South Atlantic Fishery Bulletin; For more information, contact: Frank Helies, 727-824-5305, frank.helies@noaa.gov
April 29, 2022 -

Last updated by Southeast Regional Office on 08/16/2022