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2023 Quota Adjustments for the North Atlantic Albacore Tuna, North and South Atlantic Swordfish, and Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Fisheries


Action Status
Final Rule


NOAA Fisheries has adjusted the 2023 baseline quotas for North Atlantic albacore tuna, North and South Atlantic swordfish, and the Atlantic bluefin tuna Reserve category. This action is based on the underharvest of 2022 adjusted U.S. quotas and limitations set by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) on what can be carried forward.

The final 2023 adjusted quotas are:

  • North Atlantic albacore tuna: 889.4 mt dressed weight (dw)
  • North Atlantic swordfish: 3,378.2 mt dw
  • South Atlantic swordfish: 75.2 mt dw
  • Atlantic bluefin tuna Reserve category: 112.2 mt dw*

This action is effective through December 31, 2023.

*The current Atlantic bluefin tuna Reserve category quota (112.2 mt dw) differs from the calculated total in the September 20, 2023 Federal Register Notice (88 FR 64831) due to a recent inseason transfer from the Reserve category to the General category September time period on September 19, 2023 (88 FR 64387).

Federal Register

Last updated by Office of Sustainable Fisheries on 09/20/2023